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Greek Letters

While not technically formulas, Greek letters are used in many formulas and this reference can be useful for identifying their names/their LaTeX commands.

NameUppercaseLowercaseCommonly used for…
Alpha\( \Alpha \)\( \alpha \)linear expansion, nuclear physics
Beta\( \Beta \)\( \beta \)nuclear physics
Gamma\( \Gamma \)\( \gamma \)special relativity, gamma function
Delta\( \Delta \)\( \delta \)differentials, Dirac delta function
Epsilon\( \Epsilon \)\( \epsilon/\varepsilon \)permittivity, small quantities
Zeta\( \Zeta \)\( \zeta \)Riemann zeta function
Eta\( \Eta \)\( \eta \)efficiency, viscosity
Theta\( \Theta \)\( \theta \)angles, time complexity
Iota\( \Iota \)\( \iota \)
Kappa\( \Kappa \)\( \kappa \)thermal conductivity
Lambda\( \Lambda \)\( \lambda \)wavelength, decay constant
Mu\( \Mu \)\( \mu \)coefficient of friction, permeability
Nu\( \Nu \)\( \nu \)frequency
Xi\( \Xi \)\( \xi \)
Omicron\( \Omicron \)\( \omicron \)
Pi\( \Pi \)\( \pi \)product, mathematical constant
Rho\( \Rho \)\( \rho \)resistivity, density
Sigma\( \Sigma \)\( \sigma \)sum, standard deviation, conductivity, stress
Tau\( \Tau \)\( \tau \)torque, time constant
Upsilon\( \Upsilon \)\( \upsilon \)
Phi\( \Phi \)\( \phi/\varphi \)magnetic flux, golden ratio, angles
Chi\( \Chi \)\( \chi \)electric susceptibility, Chi-squared
Psi\( \Psi \)\( \psi \)wave function, angles
Omega\( \Omega \)\( \omega \)angular velocity, solid angle, resistance